Clickback, a software pioneer in St. Catharines, is parlaying its expertise in software-as-a-service and other technologies to create a tech accelerator operating out of a landmark building downtown.
Who is Clickback?
CEO Kyle Tkachuk, who hails from St. Catharines, founded Clickback in 2000 and has since grown it into a 30-strong team dedicated to helping B2B businesses optimize their lead generation initiatives on the web and by email. Clickback is at the vanguard of a thriving tech sector in Canada, and has been highlighted in major North American media, including Macleans, the Chicago News, the Toronto Sun, the Epoch Times and Entrepreneur magazine.
How Does Clickback Benefit from the Cross-Cutting Sector in St. Catharines?
Having purchased the former Niagara Regional Police headquarters building at 110 James St., Clickback is inviting start-up and established tech tenants to set up shop and take advantage of a strong innovation sector downtown. With six stories and over 40,000 sq.ft. of space, Clickback’s exciting renovations are now complete and various floors are conducive to open work atmospheres and private suites where innovative tech companies and talent can thrive. The tech accelerator has recently been named ACCEL NORTH.
What is the Result of that Benefit?
National business audiences are taking note. With an astounding five-year revenue growth of 689%, Clickback was recently ranked as the 106th Fastest Growing Companies in Canada by Canadian Business and PROFIT magazine.